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MuleSoft Accelerator for Financial Services

(5 reviews)

Use case 2b - Client onboarding - Wealth management

Streamline and accelerate the onboarding experience for your clients and financial advisors


The wealth management industry continues to face increasing pressure to modernize client experiences and adopt new technologies. Wealth management firms need to respond to increasing digital consumer demands to remain competitive and relevant. Automating the onboarding process results in a secure, streamlined experience, resulting in less manual errors and greater compliance.

This use case accelerates IT teamโ€™s ability to deliver an enhanced onboarding experience built on a foundation of automation. Organizations can expect reduced onboarding time, greater efficiency, and improved client and financial advisor experiences.

Use case description

The client onboarding solution integrates and connects data between Salesforce Financial Services Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Slack, and DocuSign. Financial Services Cloud acts as the engagement layer to manage the onboarding process. Marketing Cloud supports client communication. Slack is leveraged for internal communication and notifications. DocuSign supports document generation during the onboarding process.

Note: Underlying systems and endpoints can be further customized based on your organizations needs. Please speak with your account team for more information.


CIMThe Cloud Information Model for MuleSoft Accelerators defines a set of standard data structures that can be used as canonical representations of common entities for integrating systems.
FINSAbbreviated term referring to the Financial and Insurance industries, consisting of the Banking, Insurance, and Wealth Management domains.
FSCThe Salesforce Financial Services Cloud suite of applications. This includes Retail Banking, basic Insurance capabilities, and Wealth & Asset Management.
Global DataA Global Data service provides an accurate, consistent, and complete copy of business data for use by enterprise applications and business partners while also providing a means to link that copy to occurrences in other systems.
WAMWealth & Asset Management is a sub-vertical of FINS.

Before you begin

bulb.png The Getting Started with MuleSoft Accelerators guide provides general information on getting started with the accelerator components. This includes instructions on setting up your local workstation for configuring and deploying the applications.

API-led diagram

API-led diagram for WAM client onboarding

Solution overview

The goal of this solution is to add support for onboarding new WAM clients onto Salesforce FSC via a marketing campaign.

The solution supports the following functionality:

  • Ability to create leads in Salesforce FSC when a potential client responds to a marketing campaign
  • Automatic Know Your Client (KYC) checks when leads become opportunities
  • Automatic document generation when opportunities pass KYC
  • Update of opportunities based on the results of KYC checks
  • Support for synchronizing household accounts between Salesforce FSC instances

High-level architecture

The following diagram represents the portion of the solution that pertains to the client onboarding for wealth management use case.

Architecture diagram for WAM client onboarding

Technical considerations and constraints

The following lists the technical considerations and constraints for this solution design:

  • Salesforce FSC Wealth will be the system of record for Wealth & Asset Management
  • The system will not convert leads into opportunities: this must be done by the Financial Advisor
  • The KYC check will be simulated in this release; it can be replaced with a system API that runs the KYC check with a suitable backend

Processing views

This section provides detailed processing sequences for lead, opportunity, and document notification handling.

Lead creation

A potential client responds to a marketing campaign by submitting a form. The system takes the information and creates a new Lead in FSC Wealth for review by a financial advisor. Please follow instructions outlined in the Salesforce Marketing Cloud setup guide for setting up the email campaign.

The creation of a lead begins with a request from Marketing Cloud to the Salesforce Wealth Experience API.

Activity diagram for lead creation

Opportunity processing

A Lead is reviewed and converted to an Opportunity in FSC by the financial advisor if they determine that the lead is a good candidate for a potential client.

The opportunity creation triggers a KYC check. If the check passes, onboarding documents are generated and sent out for signature.

The processing of a new opportunity begins with an update event posted to Anypoint MQ by the Salesforce Party Event Listener.

Activity diagram for opportunity processing

Document notification

DocuSign sends a notification that the client has signed the forms, and the opportunity is marked as closed/won in FSC Wealth.

This activity begins with DocuSign invoking the DocuSign Experience API via a configured webhook to notify that the documents are signed and the onboarding process can be completed.

Activity diagram for document notification

Household synchronization

The synchronization of Household accounts (an Account object with a record type of Household) begins with an update event being received by the Salesforce Party Event Listener from one of the Salesforce FSC orgs. While the diagram below shows the update originating from Wealth, the process is the same for Banking and Insurance as well.

Note: This process is depicted as using "upserts" for persisting objects in FSC solely for the purpose of keeping the diagram readable. In actual fact, the system APIs have separate endpoints for the creation and update of objects to allow for a wider range of use cases. The logic to look up an object to determine whether a create or update call is required is part of the Customers Process API - it is just not shown here for the sake of clarity.

Activity diagram for household synchronization

Downloadable assets

FINS System APIs

FINS Process APIs

FINS Experience APIs

Custom components

Shared APIs (can be used across any use case)

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Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onMar 12, 2025
Contact nameMuleSoft Solutions
Asset overview

Asset versions for 1.12.x

Asset versions


Industry Vertical
Financial ServicesBankingNo values left to add
Financial ServicesNo values left to add
